Monday, August 21, 2017

Movie Monday: Dolores Claiborne

#moviemonday #booktomovie #eclipse #StephenKing #DoloresClaiborne #bookblogger

I like reading posts on other book bloggers sites that aren't always related to books. So I started thinking about what non book related thinks I would like to post. Movie Monday should be interesting since I like random things. You'll see mostly older movies but maybe you'll find something new to you to watch.

Dolores Claiborne
based from the Stephen King novel with the same name
In a small New England town, Dolores Claiborne (Kathy Bates) works as a housekeeper for the rich but heartless Vera Donovan (Judy Parfitt). When Vera turns up dead, Dolores is accused of killing her elderly employer -- so her estranged daughter, Selena (Jennifer Jason Leigh), a well-respected New York City journalist, decides to visit her mother and investigate the matter for herself. As Selena digs deeper into the case, she uncovers shocking truths about the murder and her own childhood.

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If you have read and watched Dolores Claiborne you need to put it on your list to watch. Dolores is a hard working wife of an abusive alcoholic husband. A husband who has been sexually inappropriate with his daughter. The daughter leaves but has to come back once her mother has been charged with the murder of her employer. As things unfold, we find out about the relationships between Dolores and her husband, Dolores and her daughter, as well as Dolores and her employer. Very interesting movie and one of my favorites.

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